Despite the abundance of creams, sprays and impregnations of any cost and for various types of leather, folk remedies for shoe care at home are still popular – they are affordable, effective, and their safety is checked.
Small amounts of ammonia and baby soap are diluted in a container with warm water. Thoroughly mix the solution, moisten a clean soft rag in it. Wipe leather surfaces.
Another option is a mixture of equal parts of milk, egg white and granulated sugar. The mass is whipped, the foam, formed during this process, is applied to the skin and polished with a flap of woolen fabric.
Castor oil, melted wax, turpentine are combined together. Mix, pour into a jar for storage. Use as a regular cream.
To remove stains, use a cotton pad, moistened with vinegar or lemon juice. If the pollution is oily, then a weak soda solution will help.
To prevent cracks on the surface, it is recommended to periodically wipe the leather using a cloth with glycerin.
Compliance with these simple recommendations and the right means to care for leather shoes in Manhattan will help to keep boots in their original form for a long time.
Initially establish the cause and level of damage, and then deal with it.
You can solve almost any problem with liquid leather. Compounds are sold in shoe stores. Before applying the product, carefully cut off the leather, where it was damaged. After this, the area is cleaned, degreased, and then apply liquid skin. To do everything exactly according to technology, carefully read the instructions.
The elimination of the tear is carried out with nail polish or glue. A little selected substance is applied to a cotton swab or a toothpick, treated with a torn piece. The place of tear is smoothed, pressed with a finger, held for 2-3 minutes.
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