Professional Dental Cleaning: The Key to Healthier Teeth and Gums

Everyone desires bright and strong teeth, but only a few lucky ones have the perfect teeth. Besides giving you a beautiful smile, bright teeth are also an indicator of good oral health. While a lot of Whitby residents cherish strong, bright teeth, many fail to understand that they require regular professional dental cleaning along with maintaining good oral hygiene.

While dental care in Whitby is easily accessible, you must consult only a professional and highly experienced dentist for dental cleaning. But how does regular dental cleaning ensure excellent oral health? Let’s find out!

Various types of dental cleaning 

Dental cleaning is a procedure of professionally removing plaque and bacteria from your teeth to maintain healthy teeth and gums. While professional dental cleaning ensures stronger teeth, it also gives you a brighter and more confident smile. 

Professionals recommend that you go for professional dental cleaning once every six or twelve months. Here’s how your dentist may clean your teeth.

Prophylaxis: Dental prophylaxis is a preventive dental cleaning procedure that aims to reduce the risk of bacterial infections. You must visit your dentist for prophylaxis at least once every year, even if you have healthy gums and no underlying dental problems. It prevents the accumulation of plaque.

Full mouth debridement: Dentists use a full mouth debridement (FMD) procedure for individuals who have excessive plaque and tartar buildup around teeth and gum. It’s mainly suitable for those who haven’t had professional dental cleaning in over a year. 

Scaling and root planing: Dentists use scaling and root planing procedures for cases of mild to moderate gum disease, also known as periodontitis. The dentist may numb the affected area using local anesthesia and then deep clean the areas beneath your gum line to remove hardened tartar and bacteria. 

What happens during professional dental cleaning

Here’s what goes on during professional dental cleaning.

The dentist will first examine your teeth and gums for signs of infection or inflammation. The dentist will determine the course of action on the basis of this examination.

If the dentist observes plaque or tartar, they’ll use a scaler to get rid of it from between your teeth and gum line. The more tartar in your mouth, the longer the process will go on. However, you can avoid undergoing this process by regularly brushing and flossing your teeth.

Once your dentist removes tartar from your mouth, they’ll clean your teeth using a high-power electric toothbrush to remove any tartar left behind. The dentists use gritty toothpaste for this process.

Next, your dentist will floss your teeth to go deep between your teeth and remove any residual tartar.

After this, your dentist will give you a mouthwash to rinse your mouth and get rid of the debris. The mouthwash usually contains fluoride for enhanced dental health.

Finally, the dentist will give you the fluoride treatment that’ll help your teeth fight against cavities for several months down the road.

Benefits of professional dental cleaning

A professional dental cleaning can offer multiple benefits with the following ones being the most prominent.

Professional dental cleaning can help dentists detect dental problems at an early stage and save patients from pain, discomfort, and other problems.

Professional dental cleaning promotes healthier gums and teeth by keeping them in optimal shape. 

Regular dental cleaning can keep your teeth free of stains and discoloration, thus giving them a brighter appearance.

By ensuring optimal health of your teeth and gums, professional dental cleaning can prevent potential tooth loss.

Regular dental cleaning can save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

Final takeaway

Professional dental cleaning can offer multifarious solutions with the sole intent of ensuring healthy gums and teeth for you. So, regularly visit your dentist for professional dental cleaning and keep your teeth and gums free from dental issues.