When you own a classic or custom car, you need a different type of insurance than you currently have for your daily drive. The car you use to get around every day requires a different type of insurance because you use it much more frequently. When you want to get the best agreed value classic car insurance Winnetka CA offers, call us first to do the appraisal.
Before you buy an insurance policy, you are going to need an appraisal because the agreed value car insurance company will require it. They use it to verify the correct market value of your car. You can then get a settlement based on the agreed value of the vehicle using an agreed value policy. This is what you and the insurance company both agree the car is worth. Should the vehicle be damaged, the resulting settlement will be based on that appraised value of the vehicle.
With a stated value insurance policy, however, there is a clause that states that you’ll get the lesser amount of either the stated value of the vehicle or its actual cash value. You’ll most likely be paid the market value of your car. This is determined by an insurance appraiser who probably doesn’t have much experience in appraising classic vehicles with customizations. The amount will almost certainly be much lower than what it’s actually worth.
An agreed value policy can save you a lot of money in premiums because you don’t drive the car every day, which cuts down on the risk that it will be damaged. You also probably keep it in a secure area, so it is not likely to be stolen or vandalized. This type of policy can be helpful in the long run by providing you with great coverage that you simply won’t get with a stated value policy.
An appraiser will carefully examine every inch of your vehicle and will take detailed photographs. They will also write thorough notes and use our database of comparable sales to arrive at an accurate appraised value. They will consider each modification and customization in their report.
When you’re looking for the best agreed value classic car insurance Winnetka CA offers, begin the process with an independent appraisal. You will get the right policy at the right price by having a current appraisal to speed up the process. Talk to one of our experienced appraisers today to help you find the best coverage for your vehicle.
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