Don’t get a traditional car insurance policy when you have purchased a classic or customized vehicle. It’s not usually smart to do so because they provide less coverage when your vehicle is damaged. Also, they are often more expensive. Avoid getting any stated value auto insurance New York provides if you own a classic or custom vehicle.
You need to get an appraisal from an independent appraiser so that you’ll have the documentation you need to get the right policy, which is an agreed value auto insurance policy. You want to avoid having an insurance appraiser look at your car for a number of reasons.
First, the insurance appraiser from a stated value insurance company probably doesn’t have much experience appraising classic or custom cars or trucks. Additionally, they probably don’t have access to an extensive database of comparable sales like our independent appraisers do.
When you have a stated value insurance policy, you are not guaranteed to get the same amount of money that you insure the car for. These types of policies have clauses that say you can get whichever is less: the cash value of the vehicle or the insured amount. That’s another reason to have an independent valuation of your car done by one of our experienced appraisers.
With an appraisal in-hand, you can find the best agreed value coverage for your vehicle. Your premiums will probably even be less with this type of policy than with a stated value policy. That is because you don’t drive your classic vehicle every day, and it’s likely stored in a garage or other secure storage facility. You’ll have a much easier time getting the right amount to repair your car or to replace it if it’s totaled with an agreed value policy.
The agreed value policy gives you what you’re paying for. And with an appraisal, you’ll be able to get quotes from reputable companies that can give you the right coverage to protect your investment.
Call us for a professional appraisal that you can use to get the best agreed value policy for your vehicle. It will verify what you can get for your car on the market today. Avoid getting the stated value auto insurance New York provides, and call us for an appraisal to submit to an agreed value company today. We look forward to helping you safeguard your investment in the best way possible: by providing you with a thorough and accurate appraisal.
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